我们对经过航空生理训练(简称航训)的118名飞行员飞行中实施抗G动作情况进行了调查。 1 对象和方法 1.1 对象被调查的118名均为近10年来接受过航空生理训练的歼击机飞行员。年龄23—45岁,训练后飞行时间400—1500h。飞行机种包括歼-7、歼-6和强-5。 1.2 方法采用表格调查法,调查内容为:在特技飞行中常做什么样的抗G动作?如发生黑视采取什么措施?备选答案是:L-1动作、M-1
We conducted an investigation of the anti-G action in flight of 118 pilots trained in aviation physiology (referred to as flight training). 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Subjects were investigated 118 were fighter pilots who had received aerobic training in the past 10 years. Age 23-45 years old, flying time after training 400-1500h. Flight types include J-7, J-6 and Q-5. 1.2 method using the form of investigation, the survey is as follows: What kind of anti-G action aerobatics often do? As if what happens when the ophthalmic? Alternative answer is: L-1 action, M-1