河南省舞钢市武功乡武功村农民罗义军,1988年自筹资金5000元,修建一口980平方米水面的池塘,放养大规格鱼、鳖品种,进行鱼、鳖混养,养殖周期由4~5年缩短到1年,而效益增加4倍以上。1991年产鳖1250公斤,鱼400公斤,收入4.5万元,成了远近闻名的养殖专业户。他的经验是: 一、建造鳖池根据鳖的习性,池场宜选在环境安静,水质良好,水源充足,大旱不干,大涝不淹,排灌方便,不受污染的向阳背风处,池
LuoGongJun, a farmer from Wugong Village, Wugong Township, Wugang City, Henan Province, self-raised funds of 5,000 yuan in 1988 and built a pond of 980 square meters of water and stocked large-sized fish and turtle breeds for polyculture of fish and turtle. The breeding cycle ranged from 4 ~ 5 years shortened to 1 year, while the effectiveness of more than 4 times. Production of turtle in 1250 kg in 1991, fish 400 kg, income 45,000 yuan, has become well-known aquaculture professional households. His experience is: First, the construction of turtle pond turtle according to the habits of the pond should be chosen in a quiet environment, good water quality, adequate water, dry drought, floods are not flooded, irrigation and drainage convenience, the sun is not polluted at the leeward, Pool