Prof. Charles Charlie, an academician of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences, gave a speech on “Six Laws” at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts on October 11, 2001, arousing strong repercussions among teachers and students. This content was previously published as Studiinonoredi LionelloLanciottiVol.III. (Series minor / Istitutouniversitario orientale, Dipartimentodistudiasiatici; 51) Napoli: Istitutouniversitarioorientale, Dipartimentodistudiasiatici, 1996, pp.1413-1429. The revised version of this article is to be translated by the translator Chinese, with a view to inspire Chinese colleagues on “Six Laws” thinking. The translation has been validated by Professor Wei Charlie, the content of Sanskrit by Professor Duan Qing Peking University, would like to thank the original text before the text listed in six and its English translation are as follows: 1. Vivid and vivid 2. bone with pen 3 (1) Astheconsonanceofthevitalspiritproducesmovement, (2) usethebrushfortheskeletalstructure! (3) Givearesemblanceoftheformrespondingtothings, and (4) setforththecoloursaccordingtotype! (5) Locatewhilearrangingthelay-out, and (6) copyaccordingtothetradition!