,Improvement of the high-κ/Ge interface thermal stability using an in-situ ozone treatment character

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wintertear0704
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In this work,an in-situ ozone treatment is carried out to improve the interface thermal stability of HfO2/Al2O3 gate stack on germanium (Ge) substrate.The micrometer scale level of HfO2/Al2O3 gate stack on Ge is studied using conductive atomic force microscopy (AFM) with a conductive tip.The initial results indicate that comparing with a non insitu ozone treated sample,the interface thermal stability of the sample with an in-situ ozone treatment can be substantially improved after annealing.As a result,void-free surface,low conductive spots,low leakage current density,and relative high breakdown voltage high-κ/Ge are obtained.A detailed analysis is performed to confirm the origins of the changes.All results indicate that in-situ ozone treatment is a promising method to improve the interface properties of Ge-based three-dimensional (3D) devices in future technology nodes.
TA速描rn她是一个内向的女孩,个子不高,笑起来露出两颗洁白的门牙,很是腼腆;她又是一个拼劲十足、不轻言放弃,有主见、有个性的女孩,在赛场上留下飒爽英姿 她叫张楚涵,来自江
Based on conformal construction of physical model in a three-dimensional Cartesian grid, integral-based confor-mal convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML)
母亲生下我以后,奶水不足,请了一位奶妈。她叫吴小球,二十七八岁,义乌人。她来我家,在木板楼梯下搭了一个铺,属于她的空间非常有限,但有一扇朝北的小窗。奶妈不说杭州话,我一直到现在都叫她“Na Mo”,想必是在我学语的时候,她教过我一点义乌方言。  等我三四岁有了记忆,奶妈已经离开我家。以后,每逢春节她都来建德村拜年,还没走到我家门口,就叫“建德,建德”,声音里是满心的喜悦。她进门就会拉着我的手说:“
这是一张少年感十足的脸,清秀的眉眼,眼角下一颗小小的泪痣,高挺的鼻梁,尖尖的下巴,薄薄的嘴唇,只要穿上白衬衫,他就是人们心中的“国民初恋”。在当下娱乐圈中,白敬亭完全可以靠“卖脸”成为“流量小生”,但他偏不,他会认真挑选角色和剧本,认真对待自己演过的每个角色;他还酷爱东野圭吾,在高分国产综艺节目《明星大侦探》中,自己写推理脚本……  知乎上有一个评价,说“小白”(粉丝对白敬亭的昵称)和诸多“小鲜肉
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