我县地处秦岭深山,山大人稀,交通不便,且地域差异大。群众有“高一丈不一样,阴阳坡差得多”的说法。农作物病虫种类多。实行农业生产责任制后,病虫防治工作怎样适应新的生产形式的要求?根据我县实际情况,1982年开始,试行推广植保专业户防治承包,取得了一定的经验。据不完全统计,全县有植保专业户100多个,1983年防治承包面积达9825.5亩次,占总防治面积的8.85%。做法是: 1.先搞承包试点。在老域,贾营等地每公社选1—2名承包员,在县农技站租借了机动喷雾器,承包本公社的病虫防治,他们
My county is located in the mountains of Qinling Mountains, mountains and thin, traffic inconvenience, and the geographical differences. The masses have “high tenor is not the same, yin and yang slope much more” argument. Many varieties of crop pests. After implementing the responsibility system for agricultural production, how do pest control adapt to the requirements of new forms of production? According to the actual conditions in our county, we started the pilot project of prevention and control of plant protection professionals in 1982 and gained some experience. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 100 plant protection specialist households in the county. In 1983, the control and prevention area reached 9,825.5 mu, accounting for 8.85% of the total area under control. Approach is: 1. First to engage in contract pilot. In the old area, Jia camp and other communes choose 1-2 contractors, the county agricultural station rented a mobile sprayer contractor commune pest control, they