Understanding of surface pit formation mechanism of GaN grown in MOCVD based on local thermodynamic

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangyaoyu
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Frank’s theory describes that a screw dislocation will produce a pit on the surface,and has been evidenced in many material systems including GaN.However,the size of the pit calculated from the theory deviates significantly from experimental result.Through a careful observation of the variations of surface pits and local surface morphology with growing temperature and V/III ratio for c-plane GaN,we believe that Frank’s model is valid only in a small local surface area where thermodynamic equilibrium state can be assumed to stay the same.If the kinetic process is too vigorous or too slow to reach a balance,the local equilibrium range will be too small for the center and edge of the screw dislocation spiral to be kept in the same equilibrium state.When the curvature at the center of the dislocation core reaches the critical value 1/r_0,at the edge of the spiral,the accelerating rate of the curvature may not fall to zero,so the pit cannot reach a stationary shape and will keep enlarging under the control of minimization of surface energy to result in a large-sized surface pit. Frank’s theory describes that a screw dislocation will produce a pit on the surface, and has been evidenced in many material systems including GaN. Houever, the size of the pit calculated from the theory deviates significantly from experimental result. Through a careful observation of the variations of surface pits and local surface morphology with growing temperature and V / III ratio for c-plane GaN, we believe that Frank’s model is valid only in a small local surface area where thermodynamic equilibrium state can be assumed to stay the same. If the kinetic process is too vigorous or too slow to reach a balance, the local equilibrium range will be too small for the center and edge of the screw dislocation spiral to be kept in the same equilibrium state. If the curvature at the center of the dislocation core reaches the critical value 1 / r_0, at the edge of the spiral, the accelerating rate of the curvature may not fall to zero, so the pit can not reach a stationary shape and will keep enlarging u nder the control of minimization of surface energy to result in a large-sized surface pit.
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