中美新航空协定敲定 国内航企需积极应对

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美国运输部部长玛丽·彼得斯4月的中国之行没有白白浪费。5月23日,玛丽·彼得斯与中国民航总局局长杨元元终于在华盛顿达成共识,修改2004年中美民用航空运输协定议定书,就扩大两国航空运输市场准入达成协议。分析人士认为,这是双方互相妥协的必然结果。相互妥协的结果民航总局昨日也披露了双方新协定的具体细节。根据新协议,中国空运企业可立即不受限制地进入中美航空运输市场,在维持2004年协议有关包机、第三方代号共享、客运第五业务权等规定的基础上,2011年两国航空货运市场将过渡到全面开放;2007年至2012年美国至中国东部地区的客运运力将在2004年协议的基础上逐年增加各方共70班/周,中国中部地区(安徽、湖南、湖北、江西、河南、山西)至美国的直达航空运输市场完全开放。此外,双方还将从2010年开始就两国航空运输市场完全开放协定和时间表进行磋商,以最终实现中美航空运输市场的全面开放。对此次新协议的确定,民航总局局长杨元元称,中方愿与美方在合作的基础上,共同努力发展中美航空运 U.S. Minister of Transportation Mary Peters walked China in April without any waste. On May 23, Mary Peters and Yang Yuanyuan, the director general of CAAC, finally reached a consensus in Washington on amending the protocol of the 2004 agreement on civil air transport and reached an agreement on expanding market access for air transport between the two countries. Analysts believe that this is the inevitable result of mutual compromise between the two sides. The result of mutual compromise CAAC yesterday also disclosed the details of the new agreement between the two sides. Under the new agreement, Chinese airlines can immediately enter the Chinese and American air transport market with unrestricted access. On the basis of the provisions of the 2004 agreement relating to charter flights, the sharing of third-party codes and the fifth business right for passengers, the air cargo between the two countries The market will transition to full liberalization. From 2007 to 2012, the passenger transport capacity of the United States in the eastern part of China will increase by 70 classes / week on an annual basis based on the agreement of 2004. In central China (Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Henan, Shanxi) to the United States direct air transport market completely open. In addition, the two sides will also carry out consultations on the complete liberalization agreement and timetable for the air transport market between the two countries starting from 2010 in order to finally achieve the full liberalization of the U.S.-China air transport market. The determination of this new agreement, Civil Aviation Administration of China Yang Yuan said the Chinese side is willing to work with the United States on the basis of cooperation, joint efforts to develop China-US air transport
俄罗斯联邦铁路运输局决定再次启动全国12个大城市的地铁扩建计划,其目标是在2015年前再建成 The Russian Federal Railroad Administration decided to restart the subway
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点击 《义务教育法》修订草案首次审议  学费太高、书包太沉、安全没保障、好学校难进,这是不少义务教育阶段的学生和他们的家长头疼的事。针对这些教育问题,不久前召开的十届全国人大常委会第二十次会议,对义务教育法修订草案进行了首次审议。新法有望在今年6月份获得审议通过。  背景:1986年颁布施行的《义务教育法》,第一次以法律的形式明确了我国推行九年制义务教育的制度,为普及基础教育,提高全民族素质发挥了