目的:评估ABAS自动勾画软件勾画的危及器官准确度和效率,以此来评估它在鼻咽癌患者自适应放疗中的适用程度。方法:随机抽取15例在我院治疗的鼻咽癌患者。CT1为患者的计划CT,CT2为三分之二疗程重新扫描的CT图像,CT3为患者放疗结束后扫描的CT图像。在ABAS软件中CT1图像设为模板,在CT2和CT3上自动勾画出所需的危及器官,并将自动勾画结果和手工勾画的结果进行对比分析。利用形状相似性指数(Dice similarity coefficient,DSC)和自动勾画时间评价软件自动勾画的精准性和效率性。结果:ABAS软件自动勾画的体积较大的危及器官的DSC指数均大于0.9,在CT1和CT2组中DSC指数的最高为脊髓(0.96±0.01),最低为晶体(0.43±0.19),在CT1和CT3组中DSC指数最高为下颌骨(0.93±0.45),最低为晶体(0.49±0.17)。同时用ABAS自动勾画危及器官所需平均时间为十分钟左右。结论:在鼻咽癌自适应放疗过程中,自动勾画软件勾画的危器官可以达到很好的准确度同时又明显的节省时间。这样就可以快速评价危及器官受量,使得鼻咽癌自适应放疗成为可能。
OBJECTIVE: To assess the extent to which ABAS automatically maps software-compromised organ accuracy and efficiency to assess its applicability to adaptive radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: 15 cases of NPC patients were randomly selected in our hospital. CT1 is the patient’s plan CT, CT2 is two-thirds of the course of re-scan CT images, CT3 is the patient CT scan after radiotherapy. In the ABAS software, the CT1 image is set as a template, and the required organs at risk are automatically sketched on CT2 and CT3, and the results of automatic and manual sketches are compared and analyzed. The Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and automatic drawing time are used to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of automatic drawing by software. Results: The DSC values of the bigger organs automatically scrawled by ABAS software were both higher than 0.9. The highest DSC indexes of CT1 and CT2 were spinal cord (0.96 ± 0.01) and the lowest ones (0.43 ± 0.19) The highest DSC index in CT3 group was mandibular (0.93 ± 0.45) and lowest (0.49 ± 0.17). At the same time, the average time required for endangering organs by ABAS is automatically defined as about ten minutes. Conclusion: In the course of adaptive radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, the auto-outline of dangerous organs marked by software can achieve good accuracy and obviously save time. So that you can quickly evaluate the amount of endangerment organ, making nasopharyngeal carcinoma adaptive radiotherapy possible.