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六十年前的南昌起义,宣告了中国人民军队的正式诞生,从而在中国革命史上开始了新的篇章。人民军队的产生,是中国革命发展的历史要求和必然结果,也是中国共产党人把马克思列宁主义普遍原理和中国革命具体实践相结合的伟大创造。那么,“我党是何时了解军队的重要性呢?并在何时开始军事工作呢?”朱德指出:“还在我党成立之初,在1923年党报《向导》周刊上,即有论文。指出建立新的国民军以完成国民革命的重要论断,又不断有关于改造旧军队进行士兵工作的号召。”“大革命时代,许多进行军事工作的同志,当时中央军委的负责人周恩来、聂荣臻、李富春等同志,以及党所举办的秘密军事训练班的同志,对我军的创建是有功劳的。”可见,在南昌起义前的我党早期,就开始运用马克思主义理论,对建军的必要性和可能性,以及这支军队的组成、性质、任务、纪律等多方面,进行了理论上的认真探索。 The Nanchang Uprising sixty years ago proclaimed the official birth of the Chinese people's army and started a new chapter in the history of Chinese revolution. The emergence of the people's army is a historic request and an inevitable result of the development of the Chinese revolution and a great creation of the Chinese Communists by combining the universal principles of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution. Then, “When does our party understand the importance of the military and when does it begin military work?” Zhu De pointed out: “At the very beginning of our party's establishment, in the 1923 Guidance Weekly newspaper, there was an article He pointed out the important assertion of establishing a new national army to accomplish the national revolution and kept calling for the work of remolding the old army for soldiers. ”“ Many comrades engaged in military work during the Great Revolution, when Zhou Enlai, Nie Rongzhen, leaders of the Central Military Commission, Comrades like Li Fuchun and comrades in the secret military training class organized by the party are meritorious to the founding of our army. ”Thus it can be seen that our party prior to the Nanchang Uprising started the application of Marxist theory and was necessary for the establishment of the army Nature and possibility, as well as the composition, nature, tasks and discipline of this army.
凸农行金融研究所许玉山同志作学术报告口 0学员在聚精会神地听 我院举办第三期分行长统考培训班 Prof. Xu Yushan of KONGSBANK Institute of Finance made an academic
1987年9月在山东泰安毛纺厂原毛车间43名女工中,查见6人患有羊狂蝇所致眼蛆病。 患者均为女性,年龄20~50岁,系毛纺厂原毛车间工人,从事羊毛初选工作。主诉突然感到眼睛异物刺