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The reelection 1 is won, so it’s no wonder Michelle Obama is looking for some relaxingentertainment to get through those four more years. And the first lady of the United States is turning to British television to get her quick fix 2 . It has been reported that Michelle Obama is such a big fan of hit show Downton Abbey, that she turned to ITV bosses to try and get her hands on season three, ahead of its official US release date. 3The Sun reports that the first lady and the president are The reelection 1 is won, so it’s no wonder Michelle Obama is looking for some relaxingentertainment to get through those four more years. And the first lady of the United States is turning to British television to get her quick fix 2. It has been reported that that Michelle Obama is such a big fan of hit show Downton Abbey, that she turned to ITV bosses to try and get her hands on season three, ahead of its official US release date. 3The Sun reports that the first lady and the president are
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