常有一些反常的事情,由于司空见惯而不被人们所重视。但稍加分析,却可从中得到一些启示。其一,甲仓库到乙仓库公路运输只有80公里,而从铁路至乙仓库所在车站是70多公里,车站离仓库还有40多公里。长期以来,两仓库间的物资往来大多是通过铁路输送的; 其二,烟台至大连,走水路168公里,铁路为1860公里,该地区部队转业干部的搬家物资走的又是铁路; ……为何要舍近求远?主要原因有二:一是观念上没有综合运输意识。随着国家交通条件的改善,军事运输方式也发生了很大的变化,单
Often there are some unusual things that are not valued by people because they are commonplace. But a little analysis, but can get some inspiration. First, A warehouse to B warehouse road transport only 80 km, and from the railway to the second warehouse where the station is more than 70 km, the station there are more than 40 km from the warehouse. For a long time, most of the material exchanges between the two warehouses have been carried by rail. Second, from Yantai to Dalian, 168 kilometers of waterways and 1860 kilometers of railways have been replaced by railways. What To seek closer? There are two main reasons: First, there is no concept of comprehensive transport awareness. With the improvement of national traffic conditions, a great deal of changes have taken place in military transport