目的:了解武警基层士兵获得口腔保健知识的主要传播途径。为基层士兵口腔保健健康教育提供参考依据。方法采取整群抽样的方法抽取某部基层士兵65人,应用自制的调查表,以问卷的方式进行调查,采用Epidata 3.0建立数据库,SPSS 11.0软件进行软件分析。结果被调查士兵获取口腔保健知识的最主要途径是报刊杂志(27.66%),其次为专题科普宣传(20.21%),同朋友聊天时获得占17.02%,电视广播占12.76%,网络仅占1.06%。结论基层士兵获得口腔保健知识的途径相对单一,最主要途径是报刊杂志。建议应展开形式多样的健康教育活动。“,”Objective To explore the ways the soldiers obtain oral health knowledge in primary units, serving the reference for creating oral education program. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 65 soldiers (50 males and 15 females) in age of between 19 and 22 who were selected by cluster sampling some primary units. The data was established by adopting Epidata 3.0 processing, and analyzed by software SPSS 11.0. Results It demonstrated 27.66% obtained oral health knowledge from newspapers and magazines, 20.21% from popular science publications, 17.02% from conventional conversation, 12.7% from TV and radio, and only 1.06%from internet. Conclusion Currently, there are only few ways for soldiers to obtain oral health knowledge in primary units, mainly from newspapers and magazines. Enhancing internet and other diversified channels are considered to be promoted.