
来源 :云南财经大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingwaaaa
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要进一步扩大云南省与东南亚国家的经济、贸易往来,不但要对这些国家和地区的政治、经济和文化进行分析和研究,还应与云南省这些方面的情况进行比较研究。首先,对Deresky提出的国家文化特征理论进行简单阐述;其次,根据Deresky的国家文化特征理论对比分析中国、云南以及云南在东南亚的主要投资国家的国家文化特点,然后,对云南与东南亚经济文化现状进行分析;最后,阐述云南省对外投资的现状与机遇。 To further expand the economic and trade contacts between Yunnan Province and Southeast Asian countries, we should not only analyze and study the politics, economy and culture of these countries and regions, but also conduct a comparative study with these aspects in Yunnan Province. First of all, a brief expatiation of Deresky’s theory of national cultural characteristics is provided. Secondly, according to Deresky’s national cultural characteristics, the author analyzes the national cultural characteristics of China, Yunnan and Yunnan’s major investment countries in Southeast Asia. Then, Analyze the status quo and opportunity of Yunnan’s foreign investment.