上广交通频率、东广新闻综合频率和上广新闻频率三大广播频率从7月15日起和上视体育频道联动,共同制作播出全新的12档广播体育节目。这是新闻传媒集团进一步整合体育传媒资源、深化内容制作机制改革推出的全新改革举措。 为实现电视体育节目和广播体育节目的联动,原上广、东广的广播体育制作人员经过“双向选择”加盟上视体育频道,
The frequency of Shanghai-Guangzhou Expressway, the comprehensive frequency of Tung Kwong News and the frequency of the three major broadcasting news outlets have been linked with Shanghai Sports Channel since July 15 to jointly produce and broadcast the brand-new 12-sports broadcasting sports program. This is a news media group to further integrate sports media resources, deepen the reform of content production mechanism introduced a new reform initiatives. In order to realize the linkage between television sports programs and radio sports programs, the former broadcasters and the broadcasters of East Canton joined the sports channel of choice as “two-way choice”