An Analysis of the Mainstream Culture of America in 1950s

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  【Abstract】: This paper, in connection with the political, social and economic background of America in 1950s, mainly analyzes the connotation of the mainstream culture during that phase from the aspect of American character.
  【Key words】: mainstream culture, American character, the 1950s
  Ⅰ. The Definition of the Mainstream Culture
  While we discuss the definition of the mainstream culture, it is necessary to first define the term of culture. It is a fact that there are hundreds of different definitions for culture. And many of them are widely accepted. In Kamalini Draid’s book Acculturation of Anti-Culture, we see that culture consists of “people’s manners and customs, its technology, its religious organizations and also its system of valuation.” Another meaning is from The Discourse of American Literature---Culture and Expression from Colonization presented by Bruce A.Ronda, “culture emphasizes the importance of the current meaning as ‘way of life’.” So writing is a way which a society expresses its culture. Through writing, the mainstream culture reflects the dominant values and ideals of life. So very often the mainstream culture expresses itself through literary works.
  Ⅱ. The Social, Political and Economic Situation of America in 1950s
  One of the distinctive characteristics of American has limited their historical sense to decades. The 1950s after World War II won several terms: the Cold War Era, the Eisenhower Era, and the McCarthy period in the history of the United States. By this time America had emerged from World War II as a political, economic, and military world power. With its achievement of the leading role in the economy and possession of the nuclear monopoly, America, pushed by its ambition to seek hegemony all over the world and the Cold War strategy, tried to compete with its former wartime ally, the Soviet Union, in every aspect in the postwar world. As soon as the war ended, a new ware of anti-communist agitation was organized both at home and abroad. Federal and local government all sought to suppress unpopular, or what they deemed to be dangerous, views especially at home. The economic prosperity and consumerism turned American into a real “consumer society”, creating a mood of optimism which became the semi-official politically correct attitude throughout the entire decade and beyond. Meanwhile the vast majority in 1950s, as in 1920s, were interested mainly in money making and goods consuming, making up for the deprivations of the war years. American society became very conservative in this period. Any behaviors, if they were not in accordance with the conventions, would be suppressed. Thus the 1950s was one of the most conservative periods in the United States.   Ⅲ. The American Character in 1950s
  There were a number of sociological studies of the American character published at that time. The famous sociologist David Riesman published one book The Lonely Crowd in 1950, providing the descriptive model of the ideology of modern American society. As societies became more technologically advanced, Riesman argued, parents gave up some of their authority to other institutions such as schools, the mass media, and peer groups…Riesman called this new society “other-directed”. He maintained that other-directed societies led to stability and tolerance, but also fostered conformity and loss of individuality. He illustrated the point by telling the story of a boy who, when asked if he would like to fly, replied, “I would like to be able to fly if everyone else did,” In Riesman’s book, the character which suited the other-directed society was the other-directed type which could be observed in the culture of a particular socioeconomic group that emerged as a distinct segment in postwar America. As modern society developed its diverse industrial and administrative systems, such institutions as the church, the ancient universities and the family began to cede power and responsibility for educating and controlling children to others. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries the dominant role of the family had been steadily supplanted, though not entirely replaced, by a whole range, of institutions such as the school, the college, the firm, and the state bureaucracies. These institutions became places where the young future professional of the middle and upper classes experienced an extended period of training and socialization.
  Ⅳ. Conclusion
  This paper explores the mainstream culture of America in 1950s based on the analysis of the American characters in that era. The analysis chooses a comparatively new perspective, taking views on social, political and economic aspects, which probes the profound features of the mainstream culture during that stage.
  Works Cited:
  Galloway, David, ed. The Absurd Hero in American Fiction. Texas: University of Texas Press, 1970.
【摘要】:康德的先天综合学说是理解分析哲学的前提和基础,正确认识该学说不仅对了解西方哲学有着深刻的意义,同时也可以加深以乔姆斯基为代表的形式语言学的认识。本文从综合性与分析性的对比入手,着重阐释的先天综合判断内涵及其表现形式。  【关键词】:综合性;分析性;先天综合知识  引言  逻辑学、哲学、语言学中与分析性(analyticity)相对立相互依存的一个常见范畴。在语言类型学中,按照语素的粘着性
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【摘要】:时空意识常常来自不自觉,同时带有明显的的主体性特征,林徽因的诗歌流露出强烈的时空意识,这是诗人对个人生存意义的追寻与反思,以及诗人人生价值观的折射,诗人的时空体验随着时空环境的变化而变化,所以显在的时空意识背后还可以把握诗人所处时代的脉搏。本文立足于林徽因的诗歌文本,结合其人生境遇,以探诗人的时空意识的具体表现、形成原因及其背后所蕴含的哲理意味。  【关键词】:林徽因;诗歌;时空意识  
【摘要】:随着新课程改革的推进,教育正在从应试教育向素质教育改变。所谓的素质教育说到底就是关于人的教育,不仅要传授知识,培养能力,更重要的是塑造学生健全的人格。在此背景下,新课程要求教师在教学中要从教会学生知识转向教会学生学习,教师必须成为教育活动的创造者、组织者和引导者,更是学生灵魂的塑造者。  【关键词】:小学;语文教师;素质  教师素养的高低便决定着教育质量的高低,因此教师应该具有相应的专业
【摘要】:本文从建立有效的实训室使用管理办法,加强实训室管理,让学生在模拟真实岗位情景下开展实训等方面进行论述,对中职学校平面广告设计专业实训室向着产教学多赢的理想教学模式发展,起到了积极的作用。  【关键词】:实训室;双向一体化;管理制度;配套使用;实践  引言:  平面广告设计最为一个强调动手实践的专业,其发展最需解决的问题就是实训室的建设,主要包括三个方面:一是如何使用,二是如何管理,三是如
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【摘要】:现如今,功能语篇分析已经是语言学界一个非常热门的研究角度,尤其是对古诗英译的分析和研究也越来越多。本文从韩礼德的功能语言学角度出发,对唐代诗人王维《竹里馆》一诗进行语篇纯理功能分析;用功能语言学的分析框架来描述诗歌及其英译文,尝试检验系统功能语言学在语篇分析中的可操作性和可应用性。  【关键词】:语篇分析;古诗英译;《竹里馆》  一、引言  《竹里馆》是唐代诗人王维的《辋川集》二十二首诗