7月3日张海涛副局长在在全国有线数字广播影视业务试点工作动员会上发表了重要讲话,该会议主要任务是:传达中央领导的指示精神,动员部署有线数字广播影视业务试点工作。他指出:总局已下发《关于开展有线数字广播影视业务试点工作的通知》,今年目标是:开办若干套付费广播影视节目,力争发展数字用户100万户。 节目平台方面:中央和省级播出机构的主要任务是建立节目平台,开办付费广播影视节目。省级电视台经
On July 3, Deputy Director Zhang Haitao delivered an important speech at the mobilization meeting of the national pilot pilot project of digital cable television broadcasting and television. The main tasks of the conference were to convey the instructions of the central leadership and to mobilize and pilot the digital video broadcasting and cable television deployment. He pointed out: The General Administration has issued the Circular on Piloting Film and Television Business of Cable Digital Broadcasting. The goal for this year is to set up a number of paid radio, film and television programs and strive to develop 1 million digital subscribers. Program platform: the main task of the central and provincial broadcasters is to establish a program platform and start paying radio and television programs. Provincial level television station