2年一度的CHINA TRANSPO已成为企业宣传自己和参与竞争的一个好机会。2004年9月1—4日在京举行的第7届国际公路水运交通技术与设备展览会(CHINA TRANSPO 2004),即吸引了14个国家和地区的近300家厂商参展,展品包括道路与桥梁施工机械和养护技术与设备,土方机械、筑路材料与生产设备,道路检测与试验设备,交通工程与智能运输系统等,其中建立在商用汽车底盘基础上的30余辆筑路养路专用汽车,包括沥青撒布车、道路养护车、汽车起重机、混凝土泵车、混凝土搅拌车、桥梁检测车、道路清障车等在展会上竞相争艳;与此有关的展商有徐工集团、中联重科、三一重工、福田重工、北方交通、森远集团、英达科技、西斯德克、西安达刚、东方乾海等。
The biennial CHINA TRANSPO has become a good opportunity for businesses to promote themselves and compete. The 7th China TRANSPO 2004, held in Beijing from September 1-4, 2004, attracted nearly 300 exhibitors from 14 countries and regions, including road and bridge construction Machinery and maintenance technologies and equipment, earthmoving machinery, road building materials and production equipment, road testing and test equipment, traffic engineering and intelligent transportation systems, among which more than 30 vehicles for road maintenance are built on the basis of commercial vehicle chassis, including Asphalt spreading vehicles, road maintenance vehicles, truck cranes, concrete pump trucks, concrete mixer trucks, bridge inspection vehicles and road wrecker racing competed at the show. Related exhibitors include XCMG, Zoomlion, A Heavy Industries, Foton Heavy Industries, North Traffic, Sen Yuan Group, Ying Da Technology, West Sidike, Xi’an Dagang, such as the East China Sea.