Male patient, 54 years old. Due to dysuria, frequent urination, hematuria with progressive weight loss more than 4 months in November 23, 1988 admission. Admission examination: chronic wasting disease, systemic superficial lymph nodes not touched, normal heart and lung. Urine routine: red blood cells (+++), white blood cells (+), protein (++). Bladder imaging: Bladder mucosa uneven, reduced volume, about 50ml. CT, B-ultrasound showed bilateral hydronephrosis. Cystoscopy: mucosal congestion, edema, mucosa rough triangle. Clinical diagnosis: Urinary tract tuberculosis? Bladder cancer? Anti-TB treatment ineffective, a week after cystoscopy biopsy. Pathological report of bladder signet ring cell carcinoma. Under epidural anesthesia under cystectomy, intraoperative see the anterior wall thickening of the bladder, harden like “leather bag”, prostate and posterior urethral anterior are infringed. Iliac fossa and para-aortic lymph nodes, hard, fixed and fused into blocks. Pathological examination: all cut a bladder, the size of 8 × 6 × 4