墨法变化从心、冷暖虚实独到,疏林枯柳、灵山巨石、流云飞瀑、茅屋草径、花鸟鱼虫构图别致、清新淡雅……这就是行家们对重庆商业大厦总经理杭永祺先生最近在山城鹅岭公园举办国画展的评价。 杭永祺自幼受家庭书香熏陶,建国前身为中华电力公司高级职员的父亲为培养其书画品味,请回齐白石、张大千、傅抱石、徐悲鸿等大师的画作悬
Mexican law changes from the heart, the uniqueness of the cold and warmth, the sparse forest willow, Lingshan boulders, Yunfei waterfalls, thatched cottage paths, flowers and birds fish and insect composition chic, fresh and elegant ... ... This is the experts on the commercial buildings in Chongqing Mr. Hang Yung Kee recently In the mountain city Eling Park held a national painting exhibition evaluation. Hang Yongqi was influenced by family scholar since his childhood. Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, as the father of CLP Power Company, in order to cultivate the tastes of painting and calligraphy, please return the paintings by Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Fu Baoshi and Xu Beihong