近20年Grinl(1963);Bullock(1968);Jewett等先后报导由动物脑干引导出听脑干电反应。1970年Jewett等报道从人的头皮引导出BSR。近几年来BSR的理论研究及临床应用都取得了较快的进展。目前BSR的测量虽然能对脑干部位的功能提供有价值的资料,但如能同时记录E Coch G及BSR就更能扩大研究和应用的范围。本文的目的是通过动物(豚鼠)实验探讨BSR各波与E Coch G中Ap的各N波之间的关系,找出一次引导CM、Ap和BSR的方法,进一步探讨传统方法引导出Ap中的N_1N_2N_3……波产生的神经结构,并提供正常豚鼠BSR的阈值、潜伏时、波数等基本数据以供参考。
Nearly 20 years Grinl (1963); Bullock (1968); Jewett et al reported successively led by the brain brainstem auditory brainstem response. 1970 Jewett et al reported that BSR was induced from the human scalp. BSR in recent years the theoretical research and clinical applications have made rapid progress. Although the measurement of BSR can provide valuable information on the functions of the brain stem, the scope of research and application can be further enlarged by recording E Coch G and BSR simultaneously. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the BSR waves and N waves in E Coch G by Ap experiments in guinea pigs and to find a way to guide CM, Ap and BSR in one go, N_1N_2N_3 ... ... wave generated neural structure, and provide the normal guinea pig BSR threshold, latency, wave number and other basic data for reference.