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随着改革开放的不断深入,我国经济建设得到了长足发展,人民生活水平有了极大提高。党和政府全面贯彻落实宗教信仰自由政策,为宗教界的自身建设提供了良好的外部环境。宗教界发扬各自优良传统,积极服务社会、利益人群,步入了建国以来最好的发展时期。与此同时,一些地方政府有关部门个别工作人员和某些社会实体由于片面理解“以经济建设为中心”,再加上对国家的宗教政策缺乏全面正确的了解,出现了一些侵犯佛教界合法权益甚至借佛敛财的现象,近年来本刊不断收到反映这方面情况的读者来信,为此我们特请中国佛教协会综合研究室徐玉成主任就来信中的典型问题略作解答,以期引起广大读者的关注和讨论。 With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, China’s economic construction has made great strides and the people’s living standards have greatly increased. The party and government comprehensively implemented the policy of freedom of religious belief and provided a good external environment for the self-construction of the religious circles. The religious circles carried forward their fine traditions and actively served the community and interest groups and entered the best period of development since the founding of the People’s Republic. At the same time, due to the unilateral understanding of “taking economic construction as the central task” and the lack of a comprehensive and correct understanding of the country’s religious policies, some individual staff members and some social entities of some local government departments have violated the legitimate rights and interests of the Buddhist circles Even borrowed money from Buddhism. In recent years, we constantly receive letters from readers who reflect this situation. For this reason, we specially asked Director Xu Yucheng, General Research Office of the Buddhist Association of China, to give a brief explanation of the typical problems in the letter so as to arouse readers’ Concerns and discussions.
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就像一个英勇的战士,牺牲在他的战场上一样。虽是不幸,但对战士来说,可能还是他最愿意的一种死法。正如三国周瑜所说:“大将军战死沙场,马革裹尸,幸也!” Like a brave sold
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