“绿房子”位于上海市北京西路铜仁路交叉口,占地3.33亩,门牌号为333号,建成于1 938年。在旧上海滩,“绿房子”有“远东第一豪宅”之称,是一幢有故事的近代建筑,其设计独特,建筑豪华,承担设计的是匈牙利籍世界级建筑大师邬达克。相传房子建成时,这位设计大师看着这座最为得意的在华收官之作,拍着胸脯向上海滩鼎鼎大名的染料大王吴同文业主保证,即使再过五十年,这幢房子的现代感仍是超前的,哪怕再过一百年,我相信她仍不会Out!她应该可属经典之列。时间过去了75年,“绿房子”几经沧桑,岁月的磨损给这座堪称精典的豪宅烙下了明显的风蚀残痕,但筋骨完好,仍不失
“Green House ” is located at the intersection of Tongren Road, Beijing’s West Road, Shanghai, occupying an area of 3.33 mu with a house number of 333 and completed in 1938. In the old beach, “green house ” has “Far East first mansion ” is called, is a story of modern architecture, its unique design, luxurious construction, commitment to design is a Hungarian master of world-class architecture Hu Dak . According to legend, when the house was built, the design master looked at this most proud of the closing ceremony in China, patting up the beach to the famous dye king Wu with text owners to ensure that, even in another fifty years, the modern house Feeling is still ahead, even if a hundred years later, I believe she still will not Out! She should belong to the classic column. Time passed 75 years, “Green House ” After several vicissitudes of years of wear to the classic luxury called branded obvious signs of wind erosion, but the bones intact, still without losing