My government made explicit demands on compulsory education in the 1990s: “The important task of the nineties is to popularize compulsory education and eliminate illiteracy among young adults. To implement nine-year compulsory education, we must turn all out-of-school-age adolescents into compulsory education Qualified education, the examination-oriented education into quality education to improve the entire Chinese nation's ideological and moral qualities and scientific and cultural quality and struggle. ”In order to achieve the transition of this education system, the Ministry of Education formulated a new curriculum plan that meets the requirements of the development of the times So that all regions are on the same starting line. This has created an opportunity for narrowing the education gap between developed and backward regions. Middle school English teaching has long been the entrance rate, teachers can not afford the pressure from the community and parents, had to go around the rate of enrollment as the root of the baton, for some good students, and abandon a considerable part of the students. In terms of secondary school English teaching, “blindness” continues to emerge. Some students after years of study, and even 26 English letters are almost exhausted. To implement quality education, the difficulty can be imagined. But without changing our concepts, it is impossible to cultivate a labor reserve army with modern knowledge. Today's world is in the information age, and with the rapid development of science and technology, human society has become an increasingly dependent entity. In such an era, a nation must stand on its own feet in the world's nations and, in addition to developing its own national culture, must absorb the scientific and cultural essences of other ethnic groups in the world, especially the advanced nations, so as to enhance its scientific and cultural qualities and develop its own people Intelligence. To achieve this goal, we must master the foreign language tool.