本研究采用整群分层抽样方式,对南京市 1068名在校小学生进行了生命意识的问卷调查。调查显示,少年儿童对生命现象已形成基本认识,但对于死亡现象存在一定程度的认识偏差;对生命价值有所体验与感知,但层次较浅;学习成为少年儿童的生活中心与主导活动,但对生活趣味的感知与体验不足,缺乏自觉,生活质量有待提高。开展少年儿童生命教育具有深远意义,本研究对少年儿童生命教育内容构建和实施途径的选择作了简要阐述。
In this study, a cluster sampling method was used to survey 1068 primary school students in Nanjing. The survey shows that children and adolescents have formed a basic understanding of the phenomenon of life, but there is a certain degree of understanding about the phenomenon of death, experience and perception of life values but shallowness, and learning becomes the life center and leading activity of children and adolescents Insufficient perception and experience of the taste of life, lack of awareness, quality of life to be improved. It is of far-reaching significance to carry out the life education of children and adolescents. This study gives a brief exposition of the choices of ways to construct and implement the content of life education for children and adolescents.