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在人类漫长而又复杂的发展历程中,由于地域和社会环境的不同,各个民族逐步的形成了具有本民族特色的文化,这样的文化形式具有了民族整体的精神特点。衍生而来的设计也有了民族性的特点,这样的民族文化是有深刻的文化结构的,在图形和符号的表面现象 In the long and complicated course of human development, due to the difference of geographical and social environment, all ethnic groups gradually formed a culture with their own national characteristics. Such a cultural form possessed the spiritual characteristics of the entire nation. Derived from the design also has the characteristics of nationality, such a national culture has a profound cultural structure, the surface phenomena in the graphics and symbols
本研究以从鱼尾葵(Cargota mitis Lour)上分离的PP61菌株上寻找新的cry基因表达的Cry蛋白对柑橘凤蝶有效活性为目的,对Bt PP61菌株进行一系列的生理生化分析,推测PP61可能属库
Slave-particle method is a powerful tool to tackle the correlation effect in quantum many-body physics.Although it has been successfully used to comprehend vari
An all-fiber dumbbell-shaped dual-amplifier mode-locked Er-doped laser that can function in dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime is demonstrated.A nonline
The kesterite thin film solar cells based on the quateary Cu2ZnSnS4 and Cu2ZnSnSe4 and their alloys Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 have been considered as environment-friendly
We investigated the optical properties of hybrid exciton–plasmon coupling ensembles composed of ZnSe/ZnS quan-tum dots and Ag nanoparticles in aqueous solution
目的 :探讨儿童肝母细胞瘤的CT表现,评价其临床应用价值,以提高肝母细胞瘤CT诊断水平。方法 :回顾性分析本院20例经穿刺活检或手术病理证实的肝母细胞瘤CT表现。结果:肿瘤CT
We propose an extended cellular automaton model based on the floor field. The floor field can be changed accordingly in the presence of pedestrians. Furthermore
We proposed a vanadium dioxide (VO2)-integrated multi-functional metamaterial structure that consists of three metallic grating layers and two VO2 films separat
Proteins are important biological molecules whose structures are closely related to their specific functions. Under-standing how the protein folds under physica