
来源 :企业改革与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouqiuhe1
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面临日益严峻的内外部环境,影响企业稳定发展的不确定因素逐渐增多,结合公司和谐发展理念,基层维稳工作人员应提高认识,从增强责任意识、提高业务素质和健全工作机制上着手,抓早抓小,抓严抓实做好维稳工作。 Facing the increasingly severe internal and external environment, the uncertainties that affect the stable development of the enterprise are gradually increasing. In line with the concept of harmonious development of the Company, the staff at the grassroots level should maintain their awareness and enhance their sense of responsibility, improve their professional quality and improve their working mechanism. Grasp the small, grasping strict and do a good job maintaining stability.