以“苏州园林甲天下”闻名于世的苏州市位于长江三角洲中部、江苏省东南部,东邻上海,西傍无锡,是沪宁线上最重要的城市之一。 1983年3月,地区中级法院和市中级法院合并为新的苏州市中级人民法院,现管辖吴江、昆山、太仓、常熟、张家港5个市法院和平江、沧浪、金阊、虎丘、相城、吴中6个区法院。市中院共有干警204人,其中本科以上学历的107人,占总人数的52.5%,大专以上学历的183人,占总
Suzhou City, famous for “Suzhou garden world”, is located in the middle of the Yangtze River Delta, southeastern Jiangsu Province, east of Shanghai and west of Wuxi. It is one of the most important cities on the Shanghai-Nanjing line. In March 1983, the District Intermediate Court and the Municipal Intermediate Court merged into the new Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court and now governs five municipal courts in Wujiang, Kunshan, Taicang, Changshu and Zhangjiagang, and Pingjiang, Canglang, Jinli, Huqiu, City, Wu 6 District Court. A total of 204 police officers in the city hospital, including 107 undergraduate or higher, accounting for 52.5% of the total number of 183 college-level or higher, accounting for