一是抽水机位置要靠近水源,越近越好,以缩短进水管的长度。 二是整个进水管沿水流方向逐渐上升,不能有拱起部分,以免滞留空气,影响工作效率。 三是为减少进水管中的水头损失,可使进水管的直径大于水泵进口,在水泵进水口处用锥形管将两者连接。
First, the location of the pump close to the water, the closer the better, to shorten the length of the inlet pipe. Second, the water pipe along the flow direction of the gradual rise, can not have arched part, so as to avoid air retention, affecting work efficiency. Third, to reduce head loss in the inlet pipe, the diameter of the inlet pipe can be larger than the inlet of the pump, and a conical pipe can be used to connect the two at the inlet of the pump.