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  Businesses have been obsessed with increasing efficiency and getting the most out of their employees, and this goes all the way to how they set up their office space.
  So, what might a typical office day look like in, say, 2030? Not so typical.
  You might start your day with a 3D 1)holographic video conference with your CEO. Then log into your department meeting via your 2)avatar which can 3)mimic your actual movements and facial expressions. Now as you work, software tracks which

  Apps you use for how long, which emails you tend to put off, and the tone of your response in the emails you send. Your body monitoring device encourages you to get up if you’ve been sitting around for too long, doing things like playing the video games developed by your company to e n c o u r a g e a n d reward innovative thinking.
  Moving around gets your heart rate up; it might get some 4)alpha waves going to really encourage creativity. And speaking about alpha waves and creativity, companies like 3M and Google are doing that by setting aside time, sometimes between 15 and 20% of an employees work week to work on pet projects. Other companies inspire employees to take naps or long walks or even just work from home all the time. Eventually, we’ll probably move into an environment where we just have virtual offices and robot assistants will answer all of our emails for us. But will such work be rewarding?
  Well, think about it. Work has evolved over time. Toiling in the fields has given way in large part to toiling over a 37-message long email chain, or trying to figure out how to keep people from 5)nodding off during your PowerPoint presentation. It’s still toiling.
  One thing that will not change, though, is that we still need people to work together to solve problems 6)collaboratively. And one other thing that might not change are work 7)hierarchies. So a little word of advice, watch what you say about the boss when you’re at the water cooler—even if it’s a virtual water cooler.
  到处活动一下会让你心跳加速,那就可能会让你的阿尔法脑波活动加快,给你带来创意灵感。说到阿尔法脑波和创造力,像3M和谷歌这些公司,他们每周会特意留出15%到20% 的工作时间,让员工做自己感兴趣的项目,从而提高他们的创造力。其他公司则会鼓励员工打个盹,散个步,甚至完全在家里工作。渐渐地,我们会进入这样一个工作环境:我们只会有一个虚拟的办公室,机器人助理可以帮我们回复所有的邮件。不过,那样的工作还有意义吗?

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出生在苏格兰的英国名厨小戈登·詹姆斯·拉姆齐(Gordon James Ramsay, Jr.)未必就是人类烹饪史上最登峰造极的饮食宗师,但他绝对是电视史上最大红大紫的顶级厨神。从《地狱厨房》(Hell’s Kitchen)到《厨房噩梦》(Kitchen Nightmares),从《厨艺大师》(MasterChef)到《地狱旅馆》(Hotel Hell),他主持的真人秀每播出一部就红火一部。人们一