今年3月17日是俄罗斯著名航天器发射装置总设计师符拉基米尔·巴尔明诞辰90周年纪念日。为此,俄罗斯航天界举办各种形式的纪念活动,缅怀这位总设计师为俄罗斯航天事业作出的卓越贡献。 1909年3月17日,符拉基米尔·巴尔明出生于莫斯科。1926年中学毕业后,巴尔明考入莫斯科巴乌曼高等技术学校冷冻机专业学习。1930年,他以优异成绩毕业,并被分配到莫斯科“压缩机”冷冻机厂工作。由于技术过硬和善于团结人,巴尔明很快从工程师岗位被提拔到总设计师位置。1935年12月,巴尔明赴美国实习深造5个月,以便学习和掌握压缩机研制技术。1936年6月回国后,巴尔明立即向上级部门提交了一份关于研制新型压缩机
March 17 this year is the 90th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Balmin, chief architect of Russia’s famous spacecraft launcher. To this end, the Russian space community held various forms of commemorative activities, cherish the chief designer for the Russian aerospace industry made outstanding contributions. March 17, 1909, Vladimir Balmin was born in Moscow. After graduating from high school in 1926, Baltimore was admitted to Freeman Professional School in Bavarian Higher Technical School in Moscow. In 1930 he graduated with honors and was assigned to a working company “Compressor” in Moscow. Due to technical skills and solidarity, Baltimin was quickly promoted to the chief designer position from the engineer’s post. In December 1935, Balmain went to the United States for an internship for five months in order to learn and master the compressor development technology. After returning to China in June 1936, Balmin immediately submitted to the higher authorities a report on the development of a new compressor