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能红是《拂云楼》中最为关键的人物,她的出现、她的计谋,一步步推进故事的发展。能红依持自身的巧言善辩、无双智计拨弄着他人的命运,也为自己挣得一个于婢女之身而言相对较好的前程。能红聪敏狡黠却不乖滑奸诈,能言善辩却也句句深入人心,虽以计谋得偿心愿,却也能持身以正,识人断物之智更是叫人拍手称绝。她行事果敢坚毅,敢作敢为。在这个出身卑微却少有奴隶气息的女子身上,既可看到人性之复杂,看到她为求取人的相对平等而做的诸多努力,又可窥见封建奴仆制的罪恶。能红的出现,实为古代小说的丫鬟群像增添了极为独特的一卷。 Can be red is the most pivotal figure in Whisk House, her appearance, her plot, step by step to promote the development of the story. Red according to their own clever eloquence, unparalleled wisdom of fooling others’ fate, but also earned himself a relatively good future in the woman’s body. Can be smart and cunning but not obediently treacherous, can be euphemistic but also sentence deep into the hearts of the people, though calculated to make ends meet wish, but also able to hold the body positive, knowledge of people is better off things more applauded. Her act resolute and resolute, courage and courage. In this humble but seldom slave-minded woman, she not only sees the complexity of human nature and sees her efforts in pursuit of the relative equality of mankind, but also glimpses the guilt of feudal servants. Can appear red, in fact, the ancient novels maidservant group added a very unique volume.
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