“人类赖以生存的宇宙。本身就是一个无限丰富、无比生动、极度艺术化的音响空间……从谭盾的作品看来,他是在力图扩展音乐音响范畴、丰富它的媒体,包括找回那些被音乐家们久已弃置、淘汰--但却与人类生活密不可分的自然音响。” “在东西方将连成一体,成为我们共同家园的今天,谭盾的音乐正是我们所必须的。” --约翰·凯奇 谭盾是个谜,从北京电视台《国际双行线》栏目录制中轻轻的挥挥手,留下只能发愣的摄影师、主持人和嘉宾,没留下一句解释的话,却击起音乐圈内、圈外轩然大波,当
“The universe upon which mankind depends is itself an infinitely rich, extremely vivid and extremely artistic sound space ... From Tan Dun’s work, he is trying to broaden the scope of music and audio, enriching its media, including recovering Those who have long been discarded by musicians, out of - but it is inseparable from human life and natural sound. ”“ In the east and west will become one and become our common home today, Tan Dun’s music is what we must . ”“ - John Cage Tan Dun is a mystery, gently waved from the recording of the Beijing international television ”International Double Line" column, leaving only the daze of the photographer, host and guest, did not leave a comment , Then hit the music circle, outside the circle uproar, when