Effect of substrate porosity on photoluminescence properties of ZnS films prepared on porous Si subs

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:purpleplain
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ZnS films were deposited on porous Si(PS) substrates with different porosities by pulsed laser deposition. The photolumi-nescence spectra of the samples were measured to study the effect of substrate porosity on luminescence properties of ZnS/porous Si composites. After deposition of ZnS films,the red photoluminescence peak of porous Si shows a slight blueshift compared with as-prepared porous Si samples. With an increase of the porosity,a green emission at about 550 nm was observed which may be ascribed to the defect-center luminescence of ZnS films,and the photoluminescence of ZnS/porous Si composites is very close to white light. Good crystal structures of the samples were observed by x-ray diffraction,showing that ZnS films were grown in preferred orientation. Due to the roughness of porous Si surface,some cracks appear in ZnS films,which could be seen from scanning electron microscope images. ZnS films were deposited on porous Si (PS) substrates with different porosities by pulsed laser deposition. The photolumi-nescence spectra of the samples were measured to study the effect of substrate porosity on luminescence properties of ZnS / porous Si composites. with an increase of the porosity, a green emission at about 550 nm was observed which may becribed to the defect-center luminescence of ZnS films, and the photoluminescence of ZnS / porous Si composites are very close to white light. Good crystal structures of the samples were observed by x-ray diffraction, showing that ZnS films were grown in preferred orientation. , some cracks appear in ZnS films, which could be seen from scanning electron microscope images.
绪言 “太极”一词,据现存文献,始出于《庄子·大宗师》中,老子说,道“似万物之宗”。许由称道为“吾师”。是大宗师,即“大道”之代名词。庄子依据老子学说而阐明“道”的
看门免的话: 在前几期的球星训练营中,看门兔分别向大家介绍了 身体训练的四个方面,即力量素质、速度素质、耐力素 质和灵敏素质。本期训练营将继续我们的课程:在世 界杯和欧