中国历经15年的艰辛,终于加入了世贸。此举标志着中国的改革开放进入一个新的历史阶段,中国经济开始全面融入全球经济循环之中。今天的中国终于跨进了世贸组织的大门,井开始切实地体验它。 虽然,未来依然有许多不确定性,但有一点是肯定的,入世将加快中国医药卫生事业的发展和全球化进程。 医药卫生是国民经济中一个重要且
After 15 years of hardships, China finally joined the WTO. The move marks a new historical stage for China’s reform and opening up. China’s economy is beginning to fully integrate itself into the global economic cycle. Today, China finally stepped into the door of the WTO and began to experience it effectively. Although there are still many uncertainties in the future, one thing is certain. Joining the WTO will speed up the development of China’s medical and health undertakings and the process of globalization. Medical and health care is an important and important part of the national economy