问:在部队立过功的退伍战士,政府在安置方面有何优待? 答:根据国务院1987年颁布的《退伍义务兵安置条例》,原是农业户口的义务兵,服役期间荣立二等功(含二等功)以上的,退役后由政府安排工作。荣立三等功、集体功的农业户口义务兵退役后仍回原征集地,不予安排工作。但省、区、直辖市有特殊规定的除外。 原是城镇户口的义务兵,入伍
Q: According to the “Regulations on the Arrangement of Ex-service Compulsory Forces” promulgated by the State Council in 1987, it was originally a compulsory soldier for agricultural accounts. During the service, the second class of service (including Second-class power) above, retired by the government to arrange work. The third class work of meritorious service was established and the collective agricultural agricultural compass units were still returning to the place of original collection after they retired, and no work was scheduled. However, except for the special provisions of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The original town volunteer conscript, enlisted