Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are kinds of reactive chemicals mainly formed in mitochondria as byproduct of normal metabolism of oxygen (Balaban et al.,2005).Because of the high reactiveness they usually react with proteins,lipid,and nuclear acids (Labuschagne and Brenkman,2013;Landolfo et al.,2008),and in theory may participate in every aspects of cellular metabolism,The effects of ROS can either be good or bad for organisms.For example,they participate in cell respiration as intermediate products (Devasagayam et al.,2004),act as signals in glucose stimulated insulin secretion (Pi et al.,2007),and be used to attack pathogens in plants (Allan and Fluhr,1997;Zeng et al.,2015) and microbes in mammals (Kim et al.,2013).However,they will cause damages including protein carbolynation,lipid peroxidation,and DNA mutations at high levels,which contribute to disruptions of cellular homeostasis (Dan Dunn et al.,2015).ROS are believed to have correlations with aging,degenerative disorders,and cancer (Devasagayam et al.,2004).There is complicated antioxidant system composed of enzymes and metabolites in organisms.