本文是水稻黄矮病于1964—1966年连续在广东发生流行时的调查研究报告。 水稻对黄矮病没有免疫品种,但品种间的抗、耐性差异很大。一般来讲,矮秆品种极感病,而高、中秆品种较抗(耐)病,抗(耐)病性的强弱主要表现在症状轻重和潜育期长短上。 水稻品种在不同生育期其抗(耐)病性和病害潜育期也有差异。 水稻品种的不同抗(耐)病性也表现在对传毒虫数(即病毒接种量)的反应上。在传毒虫数为每株1、3、5和10头时,中秆品种溪南矮都只表现轻微症状,而矮秆品种(珍珠矮和二九矮)则在接种虫数越多时症状越为严重。病害潜育期都因传毒虫数的增多而缩短。 水稻品种的抗(耐)病性还表现在病株的“恢复”现象上,高、中秆品种发病后其恢复现象显著,较抗病的矮秆品种次之,极感病的矮秆品种则基本不出现“恢复”现象。对于较抗病的矮秆品种,如在发病后迅速进行排水和施速效肥等“治理”方法,有促进“恢复”和减少损失的效果。 插值期在大暑前后的晚季水稻一般发病多而重,而在立秋前后的一般发病少而轻。秧苗期长的比短的发病虽较多,但其差异远不如插植期显著。这显然与媒介叶蝉的迁飞高峰期有关。结合上述有关水稻品种对不同传毒虫数的反应的试验结果,就不难理解在大暑前后插植时,中、高秆品种所以受害轻而矮秆品种所以受害重
This article is a survey report on the prevalence of yellow dwarf disease in Guangdong in 1964-1966. Rice has no immune variety against yellow dwarf, but its variety has great resistance and tolerance. In general, dwarf varieties are very susceptible to disease, while the high and medium stalk varieties are more resistant to disease, and the strength of resistance to disease is mainly manifested in the severity of symptoms and the incubation period. Rice varieties at different growth stages of its resistance (resistance) disease and disease incubation period also have differences. The different resistance (resistance) of rice varieties is also reflected in the response to the number of transmitted insects (ie, the virus inoculum). When the number of poisonous insects was 1, 3, 5 and 10 per plant, the middle culm variety Xi’nan dwarf only showed slight symptoms, while the dwarf varieties (pearl dwarf and 29 dwarf) Serious. Disease incubation period are due to the increased number of transmitted insects and shorten. The resistance of rice cultivars was also reflected in the phenomenon of “recovery” of the diseased plants. The recovery of high and medium culm cultivars was significant after the onset of disease. Compared with the resistant dwarf cultivars, the susceptible dwarf varieties The basic does not appear “recovery” phenomenon. For more resistant disease dwarf varieties, such as the rapid drainage after the onset of disease and speed fertilizer and other “management” method, to promote “recovery” and reduce the effect of loss. The interpolation period of late summer season before and after the general incidence of rice is more and more heavy, but in the autumn before and after the general incidence of less and less. Although the seedling stage is longer than the short incidence, but the difference is far less significant than the planting period. This is obviously related to the peak period of the leafhoppers being transported. Combining the above test results on the response of rice varieties to different species of transmitted insects, it is not hard to understand why the medium and high-stalk varieties are harmed by light and dwarf varieties when they are planted before and after dahushu