针对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中医务人员感染所暴露出的问题,对我国医学教育中医院感染教育的现状进行了分析,阐述了加强医院感染教育的重要性,提出了在医学教育中改进和加强医院感染教育的建议,以期为医疗机构培养具有感染防控意识的合格医务工作者,在突发公共卫生事件和日常工作中,减少医院感染的发生,保护患者和医务人员的安全,保障和提高医疗质量。“,”Based on the analyzes of the problems found during COVID-19 pandemic as well as the current training system for hospital infection control as a component of medical education in China, this article not only expounds the importance of strengthening the training for hospital infection control, but also proposes several suggestions, with a view to training qualified medical staff with awareness of infection control in healthcare institutions. It may help to guarantee quality of healthcare provision by protecting the patients and medical staff against the nosocomial infections both in in emergency management and or in routine healthcare service.