

被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevin_0713
'; } ?>
【作 者】
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'; } echo $str; ?>
【机 构】
'; } ?>
【出 处】
'; } ?>
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'; } echo $str; ?>
'; } ?>
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2004年4月,富锦市东安村村民刘生在放羊时发现4件铜器。佳木斯市文物管理站闻讯后,立即派业务人员会同富锦市文物管理所的业务人员前往现场调查,并收藏了这批文物。 In April 2004, Liu Sheng, a villager from Dongan Village, Fujin City, discovered 4 pieces of bronze ware while shepherding the sheep. Jiamusi City Cultural Relics Management Station heard the news immediately sent business staff in conjunction with the Fujin City Cultural Relics Management Office of the business people went to the scene investigation and collection of these artifacts.
[e:loop={"SELECT * FROM phome_ecms_lunwen WHERE id BETWEEN $js AND $ks ",0,24,0}]
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