
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastfoot01
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b-delayed proton spectroscopy is a very useful tool to determine the properties of exotic nuclei,such as their existences,masses,half-lives and level structures of the exotic nuclei. Specially,by measuring the very low energy protons,one can better understand the rapid proton(rp)nucleosynthesis process. However,there is always large β-ray piles up at energies below 1 MeV in the β-delayed proton spectra and one usually encounters proton spectra riding on orders of magnitude the higher β-ray background. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a low energy proton telescope to separate the low energy protons from the intense β-decay background.The low detection limit of the telescope is determined by b-delayed proton spectroscopy is a very useful tool to determine the properties of exotic nuclei, such as their existences, masses, half-lives and level structures of the exotic nuclei. Specially, by measuring the very low energy protons, one can better understand However, there is always large β-ray piles up at energies below 1 MeV in β-delayed proton spectra and one usually encounters proton spectra riding on orders of magnitude the higher β-ray background. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a low energy proton telescope to separate the low energy protons from the intense β-decay background. The low detection limit of the telescope is determined by
High-resolution reaction-microscopes are novel technique to investigate many-particle quantum-dynamics of atomic reactions for ion,electron or photon impact. Ex
我的童年是在家乡度过的,那童年的滋味就好像家乡糖人的滋味,甜蜜的味道令我久久不能忘怀。小时候的生活十分有趣,有时能从爷爷奶奶那里讨来一两个硬币,快乐便升级了。 My c
世界三大电子测量仪器厂商之一的美国福禄克公司 (Fluke)广州办事处首席代表刘祖友先生 ,日前升任福禄克公司中国区销售总监。刘祖友毕业于北京工业大学无线电电子学系 ,1989年 4
他们都说我不是个好孩子。  我身边没什么朋友,也不怎么跟父母交流,每天就是独自一人寂寞地重复着简单的生活。后来我迷上了追星,我对那个短头发的明星简直崇拜得五体投地。我是在她参加一场选秀活动时迷上她的。她与众不同的气质让很多人狂热地爱上了她。要知道,迷恋是要付出代价的。为了给她投票,我死缠烂打地找家里要了一部手机,然后疯狂地发短信给她投票。家里限定我一个月的话费我两下就用光了,不到三天就停了机。父母