关于重庆皮鞋业,媒体没少摴挠牒魯。 在此同时,我们亲眼目睹了重庆涂山皮鞋二条街从盛到衰的摫硵,体味了外地名牌充斥而本地牌子难觅踪迹的凄凉厖去年到璧山采访,一位有感于该县"招商政策"的皮鞋老板说了一句意味深长的话:"璧山的皮鞋老板遭不住了."一语道出重庆皮鞋业的现状。如今,重庆皮鞋业在外部与内部的双重作用下终于醒了,尽管晚了点,总比一直昏睡不醒的好。醒了,接下来还有很多事需要做,光靠撜邤是远远不够的。
Regarding the leather shoes industry in Chongqing, the media did not make much effort. At the same time, we witnessed the embarrassment of the second street of Tushan Leather Shoes in Chongqing from the moment of prosperity to decline, and savored the desolation of the local brands and the unpleasant traces of local brands. The shoe owner of the “investment policy” said a meaningful sentence: “The shoe owner of Laoshan could not stand.” The phrase reveals the current status of the leather footwear industry in Chongqing. Today, the leather shoe industry in Chongqing has finally awakened under the dual external and internal roles. Even though it is late, it is better than always being asleep. Wake up, there are still a lot of things that need to be done. It’s not enough to rely on embarrassment alone.