Improper prosecutions not only seriously undermine the normal life of citizens, but also cause the country’s political order, social order and economic order to be disrupted. In order to prevent the abuse of public prosecution, to protect the suspect from improper prosecution, prosecution must have enough evidence to prove the criminal suspects suspected of allegations. “Only suspicion is not enough to authorize states to intervene in the civil life beyond their natural rights and to bring them to trial.” And, “No society can stand the rule of such a heartless legal prosecution: Prosecutors, no matter how weak the evidence, One case filed a public prosecution. ”This raises the question of how to set up the standard of evidence for the prosecution (hereinafter referred to as“ the standard of prosecutorial evidence ”). In recent years, many scholars have conducted profound and insightful reflections on the standard of evidence in our country. There is controversy in the academic community about how to maintain or reduce the standard of evidence in our country. However, there are still some misunderstandings about the standard of evidence of prosecution in foreign countries (especially in Japan). The determinants of the standard of evidential evidence in various countries lacks systematic investigation based on criminal procedure system. The author hopes to use this method to explain and prove the standard of evidence in our country on the basis of fully explaining the causes of the standard of evidence in all countries.