石横特钢150 t转炉炼钢应用生白云石代替部分石灰和镁球进行少渣冶炼的工艺,采用优化的“溅渣+调渣”工艺改善了留渣的安全性;通过采用合理的造渣制度、吹炼制度、加入适量炉渣发泡剂、控制倒渣点,使得脱磷率约60%,排渣率约50%,有效保证了转炉的冶炼终点,各项指标得到了优化,石灰消耗从46.7 kg/t降低到30.2 kg/t;轻烧镁球消耗从13.3 kg/t降低到8.7 kg/t;氧气消耗为47.7 m~3/t;钢铁料消耗从1 075.3 kg/t降低到1 072.1 kg/t,实现安全、低成本少渣冶炼。
Shiheng Special Steel 150 t converter steelmaking application raw dolomite instead of part of the lime and magnesium balls for less slag smelting process, the use of optimized “splashing slag + slag ” process to improve the safety of residue; through the use of reasonable Of the slagging system, blowing system, adding the right amount of slag blowing agent, slag control points, making the dephosphorization rate of about 60%, about 50% slag rate, effectively guarantee the converter smelting end, the indicators have been optimized , The consumption of lime dropped from 46.7 kg / t to 30.2 kg / t; the consumption of light burned magnesia decreased from 13.3 kg / t to 8.7 kg / t; the oxygen consumption was 47.7 m 3 / t; the consumption of steel material dropped from 1 075.3 kg / t down to 1 072.1 kg / t, to achieve safe, low-cost less slag smelting.