The applicability of microsatellite primers from distant species carp to rice field eel was studied. The results showed that 11 pairs of microsatellite primers of 31 pairs of common carp could amplify the specific bands of rice eel DNA template. The number of alleles amplified by each primer ranged from 3 to 13 with an average of 5.6 alleles per locus, indicating a high polymorphism. Among them, the primer P1 was the best, and its PCR amplification products could distinguish the eel population from 3 different areas in Hunan, Guangdong and Bangladesh. Microsatellite DNA analysis of genomic DNA in rice field eel from three different regions showed that the average similarity rates in populations of Eel in Hunan, Guangdong and Bengal were 95.5%, 95.8% and 93.5%, respectively, and the average variation rates were 0.045 and 0.042 , 0.063. The analysis of similarity and variability showed that the average similarity between Hunan eel and Guangdong eel was 91.0% and the variation was 0.045. The average similarity and variability between Hunan eel and Bengal were 55.7% and 0.443, respectively. The average similarity and variability of Guangdong eel and Bengal eel were 58.6% and 0.414, respectively. Based on the results of microsatellite analysis and the shape and geographical location of the eel, it can be speculated that Guangdong eel and Hunan eel are different geographical populations of the same species, while Bengal eel is another species of the same genus.