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住建部于2014年4月2日发布公告,批准《城镇供热系统运行维护技术规程》为行业标准,编号为CJJ88-2014,自2014年10月1日起实施。其中,第2.2.6、2.2.9、2.2.10条为强制性条文,必须严格执行。原行业标准《城镇供热系统安全运行技术规程》CJJ88-2000同时废止。 The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a public notice on April 2, 2014, approving the Technical Regulation on Operation and Maintenance of Urban Heating System as the industry standard, number CJJ88-2014, effective October 1, 2014. Among them, the first 2.2.6,2.2.9,2.2.10 is a mandatory provision, must be strictly enforced. The original industry standard “safe operation of urban heating systems technical regulations” CJJ88-2000 abolished at the same time.