
来源 :浙江医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivyJZ2009
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患儿许××,女,10岁,学生,住院号74813。1984年7月4日因左眼睫状体穿孔伤,眼内容物脱出而急诊入院。入院前2天,左眼被镰刀划伤,视力丧失2天。眼部检查:左眼视力光感、光定位差;左眼球塌陷,球结膜明显混合性充血,角、巩膜伤口自角膜缘9点方位向眼球内后方伸延,长约1.2cm;左眼玻璃体、色素膜脱出较多,嵌顿于创口外。前房基本消失并有积血,瞳孔移向内侧不圆,晶状体及眼底无法窥见,眼压Tn-3。治疗经过:患者家属要求保留眼球,故采取左眼创口缝合和药物治疗。经角膜伤口冲洗前房内积血,剪除嵌于伤口的玻璃体及部份虹膜,缝合伤口,在巩膜伤口周围作 Children × ×, female, 10 years old, student, hospital number 74813. July 4, 1984 due to perforation of the left eye ciliary body injury, eye content prolapse and emergency admission. 2 days before admission, the left eye was scored sickness, vision loss for 2 days. Eye examination: left eye vision light perception, poor light positioning; left eye ball collapse, conjunctival significant mixed congestion, angle, scleral wound from the limbus 9 o’clock position to the rear of the eye extension, about 1.2cm; left vitreous, More pigment prolapse, incarcerated in the wound outside. Anterior chamber disappeared and there is blood, the pupil moves to the inside is not round, the lens and fundus can not glimpse, intraocular pressure Tn-3. After treatment: the patient’s family asked to keep the eye, so take the left eye wound suture and drug treatment. Corneal wound washing the anterior chamber hemorrhage, cut off the wound in the vitreous body and part of the iris, suture wound, wound around the sclera for
●老爸们的背影●由台湾导演黄嘉俊历时6年完成的音乐纪录片《一首摇滚上月球》,讲述了大叔摇滚乐团“睏熊霸”的热血故事    贝多芬说:我情愿写10000个音符,也不愿写一个字母。  而我,情愿用10000个字,去换贝多芬的一个音符。但我知道,他根本不稀罕。  有什么办法?在伟大的艺术与它谦卑的粉丝之间,就存在着这种不平等。  但我依旧虔诚地朝拜着,并且相信:每写下10000个字,就与音乐圣殿的距离又
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邓小平是与时俱进的典范 ,邓小平理论是与时俱进的理论成果。邓小平在创造性地发展马克思主义过程中 ,其个人的独特主观条件起到了非常重要的作用。在纪念邓小平诞辰一百年周
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