【摘 要】
Key words:Fractional Brownian motion of 2-index;Wavelet analysis;Wavelet transform;Haar wavelet;Density degree
【出 处】
Progress in Applied Mathematics
Key words:Fractional Brownian motion of 2-index;Wavelet analysis;Wavelet transform;Haar wavelet;Density degree
牛肉,即牛的肌肉组织,系由多量肌纤维、少量脂肪和结缔组织构成的。由于牛的品种、饲料以及生长环境不同,所以其肉品的颜色和质量也有差异。在东北常食用普通黄牛肉,牛肉生时为粉红或棕红色,熟时色泽加深。相对说,公牛、成年牛、育肥牛肉质为上,否则肉质低下。现在许多商贩在市场随时都有宰杀,建议大家还是购买新鲜牛肉制作菜肴为好。据分析:在每百克牛肉中含蛋白质20.1 g、脂肪约10.2 g、无机盐1.1 g,含
Abstract In the Present paper we study Ricci solitons in trans-sasakian manifolds. In particular we consider Ricci solitons in f-Kenmotsu manifolds and we provethe conditionsfor the Ricci solitons to
风眼酸菜 主料:酱好的猪五花肉250 g,东北酸菜。 调料:酱油、精盐、詹王鸡粉、劲霸汤皇、淀粉、高汤、绍酒、葱、姜、大料、油。 制法:1. 将酱好的五花肉切成薄片,将酸菜切好。 2. 用肉片把切好的酸菜卷起来,做成肉片卷,码摆在大碗里,放入葱、姜、大料、酱油、绍酒、詹王鸡粉、劲霸汤皇,蒸透后取出。倒出汤汁,将肉卷酸菜扣入盘中。 3. 将汤汁倒入勺中,调好口味,拢芡,将汁浇在肉卷酸菜
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Abstract In this paper, through wavelet methods, we obtain the energy of convolution of two-dimension exponential random variables and analyze its some properties of wavelet alternation, and we obtai
Key words:Hermite spline curve;C2 continuous;Faultage area;Precision
Key words:Supply chain;Supply chain management;Fuzzy AHP model;Risk assessment