
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevin_dai
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改革开放以来,我国经济虽然取得了高速发展,但城乡居民收入差距却从1985年的1.7倍扩大到2002年的3.1倍;城市居民人均消费支出与农村居民人均生活现金消费支出差距从1985年的2.2倍,扩大到2002年的4.1倍。如果将农民的实物收入、生产性投入和市民的非货币收入等因素考虑进来,则差距达到惊人的6倍。而农业滞后于工商业发展、农村滞后于城市发展、农民与市民相比生活相对贫困的“三农”问题,也已成为当前各种矛盾的焦点,必须尽快予以解决。 Since the reform and opening up, although the economy of our country has made rapid development, the income gap between urban and rural residents has expanded from 1.7 times in 1985 to 3.1 times in 2002. The gap between the per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents and the per capita living cash expenditure of rural residents dropped from 1985 2.2 times, expanding to 4.1 times in 2002. Taking factors such as farmers’ income in kind, productive inputs and citizen’s non-monetary income into account, the gap is staggering six times. However, the development of agriculture lags behind the development of industry and commerce, and lags behind that of urban development in rural areas. Therefore, the issue of “three agricultural issues” where peasants and peasants live relatively poor lives has also become the focus of various contradictions and must be solved as soon as possible.
目的在临床针刺规律研究成果的指导下,采用对应与中轴针刺结合康复训练方法治疗Brunn stromⅡ或Ⅲ期的中风患者,观察其对偏瘫患者肌痉挛的影响,并观察其效果是否优于传统针刺
<正> 临床资料:107例中,男性13例,女性94例;年龄最大40岁,最小19岁;未婚59人,已婚47人;病程最短者5个月,最长者11年:丘疹性23人,结节性17人,脓性38人,粗刺性28人。治疗方法: