1 信息在社会发展中的基本作用1.1 纵观占今中外,材料、能源、信息从来都是人类社会生存和发展中不可缺少的基本资源;信息社会已不再是一个概念,而是当今社会的现实.信息作为资源以各种形式融汇到社会、家庭的各个角落以及经济、政治、科技、军事、教育、文化、卫生、外交等方方面面.“科学技术是第一生产力”,信息化水平的高低已作为衡量一个国家和地区的社会经济和科技发展的主要标志之一.2.1信息是经过处理的有价值的数据、情
1 The Basic Role of Information in Social Development 1.1 Looking at the present and foreign countries, materials, energy and information have always been indispensable basic resources for the survival and development of human society. The information society is no longer a concept but an important part of today’s society Reality.As a resource, information as a resource integrates into various fields of society and family as well as various aspects of economy, politics, science and technology, military affairs, education, culture, health and diplomacy as forms of resources. “Science and technology are the primary productive forces” and the level of informationization Level has been used as a measure of a country’s socio-economic and technological development, one of the main signs.2.1 Information is processed valuable data, love