The NRS4000 microprocessor is a 32-bit embedded RISC microprocessor designed by Northwestern Polytechnic University Aviation Microelectronics Center. It is fully compatible with Intel’s 80960KA at the command system level and has an independent copyright and an equivalent gate size of about 300,000. RISC core architecture is adopted in microarchitecture, and a design scheme based on core RISC micro-operation is proposed. It has simple, common and flexible features, and it is possible to develop more fine-grained parallelism for processors. Combined with advanced technologies such as multi-execution components, pipeline execution and out-of-order execution, the NRS4000 is both compatible with the 80960KA instruction set and has good scalability on a microarchitecture. It focuses on the design idea and design of its RISC core structure. The NRS4000 microprocessor is designed using MentorGraphics tools, described in VHDL language, modeled and synthesized.